Chickens The most common entry point for people starting to raise livestock is chickens. That’s…
Chris Weatherman
Chris Weatherman
Also known as “Angery American”, is the author of the Survivalist series of books. Chris has been involved in prepping since the 90’s. He practices primitive skills as well as modern survival techniques that focus on being prepared with the proper equipment.
This article was originally published in Survival Dispatch Insider magazine Volume 4, Issue 8. Technology…
What’s in an IFAK? By Bear Independent An IFAK or Individual First Aid Kit is…
Gear recommendations for medical equipment to carry on your body, in your bag and in…
Having an idea of the things that will disappear the quickest will help you with…
Humans spend an average of one-third of their lives sleeping. Sleep is an important physiological…
POLITICAL WARNING: Capitol Security Task Force Recommends Permanent Military Presence in D.C. General Honore’, tapped…
Democrats Seek Wealth Tax In their efforts to attain mythical “equity” status for the nation,…
POLITICAL WARNING: Biden Cabinet Picks Neera Tanden for Office of Management and Budget is facing…
The recent polar vortex that crippled Texas in recent days is the prefect example of…