Senate Republicans Block Formation of Jan. 6th Commission
Following the passage of a House Resolution to form a “bi-partisan” commission to investigate the events of January 6th, there was speculation over whether or not enough Republicans would flip to the other side of the aisle in order for it to pass in the Senate. Of the 210 Republicans in the House of Representatives, 35 voted for it, which is more than was initially expected. Fortunately, less than 10 Republicans voted in favor of the measure, which would have been the number needed. Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Rob Portman of Ohio and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana all voted in favor of the commission, which failed with a final tally of 54 in favor and 35 opposed.

(Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
Although the blockage of this commission is an important step to delegitimize the efforts of the Democrats to make political capital out of the Peaceful Protest on January 6th, it will not be the end of their efforts to prosecute more Patriots for their attendance. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and others have publicly said that they will continue their investigation with or without this commission. This problem is not gone, and we will continue to cover the story as it develops.
Vaccine Side Effects
Are Vaccines “For Your Own Good?”
The vaccines have been sources of speculation and conspiracy theories since long before they were available to the public. The announcement that the vaccines would not contain the actual Coronavirus, but rather use mRNA to rewrite your genetic code, was the first conclusive sign that there might be more risks associated with this vaccine than would be known right away. Of course, with the expeditious success of Project Warpspeed, it would be impossible for any of the parties involved to do the same due diligence as is standard in the development of a vaccine.
Given that the existing process for vaccine approval is lackluster at best, and, at worst, criminally negligent, it would be normal for the average person to be skeptical of the safety of the vaccine. However, the very act of questioning whether or not you should get the vaccine was treated as an act of sedition, and those who did so were persecuted like Socrates for “corrupting the youth.”
We are now six months into the rollout program of a vaccine that has undergone no long-term trials, so, theoretically, this should be the period of the fewest complications. If you read the mainstream media, you could be forgiven for believing so because of the lack of American news coverage of any negative reactions to the vaccines.
However, the narrative once again continues to be more important to the corporate press than the truth. Rather than covering the endless examples of strokes, blood clots, miscarriages, and death from all over the world, the media would rather continue drumming up fear-mongering stemming from the events of January 6th.
Unfortunately, these stories are only getting shared–for the most part–in local media and on social media. It is important not just that we remember their stories but also warn people of what this vaccine can do to your body since Big Tech, Big Media, and Big Pharma want to profit off of using innocent people as lab rats.
Lisa Shaw, a presenter for the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), died as a result of a blood clot after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine for Covid-19. This followed the announcement from Stephanie Dubois’ family that she had died following her second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine as well. Stephanie was 39, and a model from England currently residing in Austria when she died earlier this week. According to family members and doctors of both women, neither had any underlying or preexisting conditions which would have led to their death.

ABC, CBS, The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN (Clinton News Network) have not covered either of these women’s mysterious deaths. The mainstream media will run multiple segments and stories on Tiger Woods’ first appearance since a car accident in California, but something that potentially affects everyone in America is unworthy of their coverage. Even the BBC, Lisa Shaw’s own company, had not covered her death as a potential result of the vaccine as of Thursday night.
Stories such as these are very frequent but do not even get the minimal coverage that Stephanie and Lisa have received because they were not established public figures. Instagram accounts such as @DC_draino have been posting testimonials from his followers of their experiences after receiving the vaccine. He has created a highlight on his instagram account (view it here before Instagram deletes it) so that people could share it with those considering getting the vaccine.
The reported effects are not limited to those who have received the vaccine. Hundreds of accounts of individuals who live with, are constantly around, or work with people who have been vaccinated are reporting nose bleeds, unusual bruising, and very concerning for women: cyclical problems/irregularities.
There are no long-term studies on this vaccine. It is irresponsible to subject yourself or those around you to be the test subjects for a billion-dollar industry, and, particularly so, whenever the disease in question has a 99.9% survival rate.
Election Audits
Deep State Increasingly Concerned
As grassroots efforts to secure the electoral system across the country are underway by like-minded Patriots striving to secure the American system of government, the establishment is trying everything it can to throw a wrench into their efforts. This is, without a doubt, the most intense fight that most Americans have no idea is happening.
In Michigan, the corrupt Governor who just got caught violating her own draconian lockdown (AGAIN), Gretchen Whitmer, and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, have threatened those calling for an audit of the November Election. Specifically, they are fearful of Michigan residents setting up the same systematic audit as is underway in Maricopa County, Arizona.
In Arizona, as we have previously covered, the Democrats have spared no effort in attempting to stop that audit, viewed by many as the linchpin for a nationwide reckoning regarding November 3rd. They are using military spy planes, weaponizing the Department of Justice (DOJ), massing an army of lawyers, threatening the concerned citizens conducting the audit, and everything else they can get away with.
In Georgia, a judge has finally authorized a partial forensic audit of 150,000 ballots. The Wisconsin state legislature is preparing for its own investigation. And a recent revelation shows that Dominion machines failed to properly label Republican ballots. The Luzerne County Council voted on Wednesday to investigate Dominion for their possible role in this gross act of election interference. These are just some of the other headlines in the fight for election integrity.
If the fact that Marc Elias, John Podesta, and Ron Klain are working in concert to shutdown these audit efforts is not enough to convince you they are concerned, remember that H.R. 1–the first bill introduced in the new Congress–is a hyper unconstitutional usurpation of power by the Federal government. Specifically, it takes the power out of the states to conduct their own elections; which they want to do to avoid having to risk being held responsible as they are right now.
In Other News
5 Headlines You Might Have Missed:
- Overzealous Prosecutors have Convened a Grand Jury to Consider Possible Indictments against Former President Donald Trump.
- The Fake News Media has Launched a New Smear Campaign Targeting Matt Gaetz Claiming he “Incited Violence” Against SIlicon Valley.
- A Growing List of States have Banned Critical Race Theory (CRT) from their Schools, with Tennessee Being the Latest.
- In a 2012 Article, Anthony Fauci Argued that ‘Gain-of-Function’ Research Benefits Outweighed the Risks.
- Black Lives Matter Co-Founder, Patrisse Cullors, has Resigned After Questions About How She Allocated Funds Over the Past Year.