Most hams seem to buy a hand-held radio as their first step into the hobby. One of the deterrents for new hams is the cost of a radio, but with …
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You do everything you can to ensure your family has what they need should a SHTF scenario occur. However, one mistake many preppers fall into is investing in equipment but …
We’ve all heard the terms, B.O.B (Bugout Bag), G.H.B (Get Home Bag) and sometimes I.N.C.H (I’m never coming home again). But what is the difference? In many ways these bags …
BRIEF If threats are present, be prepared to respond immediately by removing inhibitors (seat belt or stowed firearm) and take security precautions such as locking your doors. Unbelt or “Armover” …
On this episode of BraveTV Dr. Jason Dean and Survival Dispatch CEO Chris Heaven, discuss the confluence of bad events that’s on the horizon for 2024.
Would you [should you] ever use a spinning backfist in a true self-defense situation? I’m not talking about a fantasy fight – real violence never looks like a John Wick fight scene! Would …
Cycle stored foods into your meals. Rotate in new shelf stable foods to replace what you’ve eaten. Spend an extra $5 every grocery trip to go towards sustainability (i.e. 2 …
When Old Man Winter arrives, he typically settles in and overstays his welcome. Unless you live in a tropical paradise, you’ll have to deal with the realities of snow, ice …
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Train the brain. Replicate realistic scenarios. Educate the anticipatory cells in the brain. This will improve perception speed and reaction time. First, watch this video and try not to judge …