Memorial Day Tribute

Despite the disgraceful and disrespectful lip service by former senator Kamala Harris in her Tweet telling people to “enjoy the long weekend,” true American’s have never forgotten what Memorial Day is truly about.
As the woke culture undermines their sacrifice, we here at Survival Dispatch will always support our men and women in uniform, active or retired, as well as their families. To those enjoying the long weekend, let us not forget their sacrifice especially on this Memorial Day.
We honor and remember all the men and women who have served our country. Their sacrifice is the reason why America is the greatest country to have ever existed in human history. The selflessness exemplified by those willing to give everything in service of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” is unparalleled.
Covid-19 Vaccine
How We Got a Brand New $200 Billion Industry

This time last year there were just preliminary conversations about when a vaccine may be ready, if it would be too late to save large swaths of the global population, and even whether a vaccine was even possible. Today, it is a $190 billion industry according to estimates from Airfinity Ltd.
Chinese companies stand to account for a quarter of this market with Sinovac & Sinopharm estimated to earn as much as $48 billion dollars combined. Of course, most Chinese companies are controlled, at least in part, by the Chinese Communist Party, and these companies are no exception.
On the ‘About Us’ section of Sinopharm’s website, it says, “China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (Sinopharm) is a large healthcare group directly under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council”. Sinovac lists multiple divisions and institutes of the Chinese government, military, and state university system as partners. There is not even a pretense on the part of the companies to be independent or private companies.
This is ethically problematic of course because, as we now know, the novel Coronavirus was released because of the malfeasance and incompetence of the government-run Wuhan Institute of Virology. As it currently stands, not only is China not being punished for the global pandemic they caused, their government and party leaders are profiting from it! They are both arsonists and firemen, except the fireman gets $48 billion dollars for putting out the fire he started that caused a global economic recession and killed hundreds of thousands of people.
The aphorism ‘follow the money’ seems to have been lost from the public consciousness with respect to the cause of the pandemic. The media who were quick to throw allegations at every republican from dog catcher to president over the last four years of trying to make an unethical dollar have been completely silent on this issue.
Defenders of China, or even those who wish to extend the benefit of the doubt, are faced with a long history of immoral actions on the part of the CCP. As you read this there are between 1 and 2 million Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps in western China. There have been multiple reports that they are being subjected to forced labor, and in some cases, even organ harvesting since their organs can be sold at a premium to other Muslims in the Middle East.
The idea, therefore, that the CCP is ‘morally incapable’ of deliberately causing a pandemic to study their opponent’s biological weapon response systems, strengthen regional control, shrink their adversaries’ economies, and make tens of billions of dollars is facially false.
Make no mistake, these ethical violations are not exclusive to Chinese entities. United States companies, institutions, and individuals who were also responsible for what happened in Wuhan are benefiting in the same way. As we covered in last Monday’s SitRep:
The U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, the part of the NIH headed by Fauci, awarded a $3.4 million grant to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance in 2014. One year later, he was photographed with Chinese Virologist Zhengli Shi at Merieux’s summit in Wuhan. After being awarded this contract, Daszak would pay Shi’s Wuhan P4 Lab $598,000 over five years for “gain of function” research.

It was revelations such as these that made Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH go public with his concerns on the vaccine rollout efforts. The same people who are telling the public that if they do not get the vaccine, are the ones who make more money for each vaccine dose administered. Dr. McCullough, the Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, was especially concerned about the authorization to vaccinate children as young as 12 without parental consent.
Methods of financial coercion are also being employed in this full-scale war on bodily autonomy. A music festival in Florida is charging a reasonable $18 for vaccinated concertgoers, but for those who have not volunteered to be part of Fauci’s experimental trial, it will cost them $999.99. As more states and localities lift their social distancing restrictions, more private companies will look to continue the practice which conservatives will be forced to reckon with in the coming months.
The most unsettling part of the story of Chinese interests profiting from their act of biological warfare is that the Democrat party, mainstream media, and Big Tech are actively chasing down and silencing any voices calling for investigations, sanctions, or other punishments against the Chinese Government. The reason they give is the absurd claim of inciting racial hatred and violence against Asian Americans, which would mean that criticism of any government would be impossible under that standard. Of course, the real reason, as we saw with John Cena’s groveling apology, is the prospect of financial losses if the CCP eliminates that companies’ ability to profit from the world’s largest consumer base.
Big Tech
Collusion Between Democrats and Social Media Companies
The alliance between the democrat establishment and leaders of Silicon Valley has been undeniable for years. However, there was very little proof of impropriety much less undeniable evidence of wrongdoing between the two groups. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has filed a lawsuit on the grounds that his First Amendment rights had been violated, and alleging that he has the missing link, the ‘Elections Influence Operations Playbook for State and Local Officials’, referred to hereafter as Playbook, was a collaborative effort between the Twitter Legal Department, Amy Cohen, and Michelle Tassinari.
Amy Cohen was formerly the Executive Director of the Nation Association of State Election Directors (NASED) and testified to Congress that in her position had helped create the ‘Governing Coordinating Council’ (GCC). The goal of the GCC was to create a framework for surveilling speech and monitoring “Influence Operators”, and their program had direct access to Twitter as well as input from their legal team and Michelle Tassinari.
The purpose of this Playbook was to identify, target, and remove content that was considered harmful to their political ends. The conclusion of an addendum filed by Dr. Shiva in his lawsuit against the Attorney General of Massachusetts reads:
This PLAYBOOK, from the horse’s mouth as it were, is directly relevant to the court’s intention to expand the factual record in this case before it decides on pending motions. Unlike the Cardille affidavits or the Tassinari affidavit, this PLAYBOOK is wholly credible. The PLAYBOOK reinforces the plausibility of the claims in the 1st and 2nd amended complaints and provides a factual basis for granting the injunction sought and ending the ongoing harm.

Although lawsuits against Big Tech, particularly on the grounds of First Amendment violations, fail with disheartening regularity, there are multiple cases in the court system right now that are capable of cracking that wall. Most notably, Steven Crowder is currently suing Facebook and YouTube for their unfounded strikes and suspensions on his accounts.
Although this is an uphill battle, it is not one Patriots can afford to concede. One of the keys to electoral success in the future is the ability to disseminate a conservative message online, to a wide audience, without censorship. As of right now, that is not possible, the only people conservative voices consistently reach are those dedicated followers who actively seek out their favorite commentators. Such a constrictive base is untenable if your goal is to win elections.
In Other News
5 Headlines You Might Have Missed
- An Ohio woman won $1 million from the lottery ticket she was given to be vaccinated, one of many persuasion tactics being employed.
- The once Trump-like, turned scaredy-cat, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was married in a private ceremony (likely out of fear of Covid).
- The United Arab Emirates is constructing an airbase on the Mayun Islands to protect shipping lanes in the region and is in the shadow of China’s new base on the horn of Africa.
- Amid criticism for safety concerns, Telsa has begun watching drivers who engage the autopilot feature on their Model Y or Model 3.
- Gov. Whitmer’s goons arrested a Polish Immigrant for refusing to close their restaurant, just days after she was caught at, and apologized for going to a dive bar.