Animals have been entwined with human survival for centuries. Hunting big and small game helped to feed families, especially in the winter when vegetation was lacking. As the practice of …
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Water is one of the most important considerations for the prepper. Water is life. Without water, there is no life – period. So, it only makes sense to ensure you …
Stockholm Syndrome With The Doctor On Your TV The White House put out a statement attempting to scare the remaining unvaccinated Americans into changing their opinions on rolling up their …
The Degradation of Journalism This will be the first installment of a series investigating the different aspects necessary to create a healthy society and function democratic republic and how 2021 …
Over the weekend devastating thunderstorms spawned deadly tornados across multiple states. The death toll currently sits over 80 and is only expected to grow as search and rescue efforts have continued. Power …
Hopelessness: A Totalitarians Favorite Weapon The pandemic has been characterized by people who are aware of the government’s long history of abuses against its citizens warning everyone else what is …
An Inexplicable Inconsistency Pfizer & Moderna vs J&J Those of you will remember earlier this year, as the vaccines were reaching their peak profitability, sorry I mean popularity, the United …
United States of Mortality All Cause Mortality Spikes Dramatically Year-Over-Year As speculation of a 2-week lockdown swirled in early 2020 many panicked, resulting in shortages of necessary items most memorably …
The Mysterious Inversion Surprising Difference in Mortality Based on Vaccination Status The United Kingdom released the latest batch of data on all-cause mortality rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people per …
The World “Un-Health” Organization Explosion of ADRs As the Daily Mail and others reported, according to data gathered by the international non-profit organization The Peoples Vaccine Alliance, Pfizer, BioNTech, and …