Hey guys Brain & Terry here! Today we are taking a look at the Lansky Puck. We’ve done all kinds of work on the property with a large variety of edged tools. We’ve used machetes, parangs, axes, mattocks, etc. and they all have one thing in common…they need a good edge on them to work properly! When you work with dull tools, you tax your body far more than you should and the job takes longer than it should. There are a lot of different ways to sharpen tools in the field, but we found the Lansky Puck to be a great option.
As you hit rocks, hard woods, etc., you will, little by little, roll the edge on your tool. Some people think you want to put a super sharp edge back on them, but that’s not the case. A super sharp edge is a super fine edge that will wear quickly. A good working edge will last so much longer because there is more “beef” to it.
For this installment, we are going to look at a Condor Bushcraft Parang. It’s one of the most used tools out here and we absolutely love them. With it being one of the most used tools, it has also had to be sharpened A LOT, haha.
The pucks have two sides, a darker coarse side at 120 grit; and a lighter fine side at 280 grit.

As you can see, the edge of this parang has been heavily worked. It’s definitely in need of some TLC.
You want to start by putting a drop of oil on the dark coarse side and spread it around the puck. We are using Lansky Honing Oil here.
Next, put on gloves and grab the sides of the puck. I have gotten accustomed to not wearing gloves because I get a better feel for it that way.
When working the stone on the blade, you want to go in circles. I go counterclockwise because it feels natural to me and is the way I am most consistent. You want to work your way up and down the blade, being sure to cover it completely and evenly. Try to get set so you can maintain a pretty constant angle and repeat what you do the entire time.

As you can see, after just a short time, it’s already cleaning up that edge nicely.
After you’ve done one side, flip the blade, reapply oil to the stone and work it with the coarse side. Once you’ve completed this, start the process over with the finer side. It takes a little while to do this, but to me it’s almost therapeutic because I don’t have any other distractions. I find it to be quite relaxing, especially when you get into the rhythm of it. If you need a good method to put an edge back on your larger tools, definitely check out the Lansky Puck. It’s an inexpensive and reliable way to get a good working edge.
We hope you guys and gals found this post to be helpful and entertaining. Be sure to check back soon as we keep moving forward on the property and share a some really cool tips we have learned along the way. Thanks for stopping by!