The ancient science of Man Tracking is still very effective in the detection and interpretation…
Counter Surveillance Hack for Maps BLUF: Protect your privacy from people using Google Maps to…
Harass an Occupying Force (OCFOR) *This is a SHTF/LAE/WAR scenario briefing. BLUF: If your area…
Emergency Phone Numbers Save and/or be aware of the following numbers in the event a…
The Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a warning this month on an old, but newly…
Responding to an active threat (shooter) will vary based upon the attention of the threat,…
Take preemptive steps to increase survivability. ALL EMERGENCIES 》Identify potential helpers, talk to those around…
BLUF: Understanding the Operational Environment (OE) can help us to blend-in, recognize harmful actors (thus…
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BLUF: A few years back the TSA’s “Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques” (SPOT) documents…