BLUF: Knowing who’s pulling the strings on the news you’re being fed is critical. Recognize…
Survival Strategies
The ancient science of Man Tracking is still very effective in the detection and interpretation…
Counter Surveillance Hack for Maps BLUF: Protect your privacy from people using Google Maps to…
Harass an Occupying Force (OCFOR) *This is a SHTF/LAE/WAR scenario briefing. BLUF: If your area…
Emergency Phone Numbers Save and/or be aware of the following numbers in the event a…
Survival skills are essential when dangerous situations arise. These skills naturally require practice, but you…
Use the Old Way Tracking down men and animals is a profitable skill which has…
SHTF scenarios can arise anytime, so you must be ready when the moment strikes. Preparedness…
In order to cover the topic of this article, it is mandatory to realize that…
The last thing you want to see on the weather forecast is an impending hurricane.…