On this episode of BraveTV, Dr. Jason Dean and Survival Dispatch CEO Chris Heaven, discuss the dangers that drones pose to us in the homeland. Especially terrorist attacks using drones.
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Survival 101
Identify & Avoid North America’s Most Deadly Snakes & Spiders
by Ryan Dotsonby Ryan DotsonWhen people think about the dangers of surviving in the wilds of North America, they tend to make animal attacks a much larger concern than they should. Statistics show that very …
Survival Dispatch News
5 URBAN SURVIVAL Lessons From This Week’s News (4-8-24)
by Chris Heavenby Chris HeavenThe notes and links for this episode are below the video. In this episode of the SDN WEEKLY TOP 5, our panel discusses the URBAN SURVIVAL lessons that we can …
Preppers and those who are preparing to survive in a world that has been slammed by some major catastrophe know they need to grow their own food. A survival garden …
Survival 101
Ready to Survive in the Wild? First Steps to Becoming a Survivalist
by Ryan Dotsonby Ryan DotsonI am often asked how I got started in survival. The best answer I have is I became a survivalist long before it was called survival. I was in Boy …
Survival 101
Two Types of Awareness for Effective Self Defense: Part 1
by Tony Blauerby Tony BlauerSituational Awareness and Self-Awareness are different parts of the same problem-solving dilemma. While almost everyone mentions “situational awareness” during self-defense education, rarely is “self-awareness” discussed. IMO situational awareness without good …
One of the most important advancements in human culture has been the development of analgesics, or pain-relieving drugs. These medicines not only help alleviate pain, they help humans to remain …
On this episode of SDN, we’re joined by Admiral Robert Harward (a preeminent drone SME), Jeff Emde (26 year CIA operative), and Eric McMillan (CEO of US Arms Company). Our …
Preppers are no different than regular folks in that we all come up with excuses for not doing what we know we should be doing. We’ve all been guilty at …