by George Mcclellan
President Jimmy Carter has at last gotten his great reward at age 100. It’s debatable that he had a good run, and not surprising to even the most casual observer why he wasn’t allowed a second bite at the presidential apple. He made a crap mess of things. What’s surprising is how fast Joe Biden relieved him of the title of worst president of the United States. Comparisons are inevitable. When reviewing the record of a deceased past president, one must be careful to understand the sources from which either praise or condemnation originates. Of course, the legacy media, now in its death throes, is not to be believed or trusted. Businesses that claim the role of “fact finders” have turned out to be nothing more than radical left-wing shills, giving the media plausible excuses to censor opposing views. Then we have the people closest to the subject, his administration staff, the household staff, the protective staff, and the Secret Service. Of course, open sources, now available if one searches, reveal much about Joe the Legacy media struggles to hide. Jimmy’s administration was an open book. There is transparency after death. We will be aghast of what was kept from us about Joe Biden.
President Carter was an authentic Christian in the true Biblical sense. His strict Southern Baptist beliefs rendered him naïve about the world’s ways. He presided during the Cold War. He was a US Navy nuclear submarine officer with an engineer’s brain who didn’t get to see much of the world. His naivety and inexperience in foreign policy caused him to muddle up America’s foreign policy for every president who followed. However, unlike Joe Biden, Jimmy didn’t use his office to enrich his family or to pursue his political enemies. In short, Jimmy Carter had principles and followed ’em, but even after his single term, he considered himself a diplomate with unique qualities capable of bringing peace to the world. His meddling as a post-president/US citizen even caused him to engage with North Korea’s Kim Jong Il in a political repartee that accomplished nothing but give him a measure of notoriety. He left a loaded hand grenade for later Presidents concerning relations with North Korea.
But, Jimmy hated Israel, and one suspects Jews in particular, as he demonstrated time and again in his foreign policy aims that did not favor the continuance of the Israeli state. Jimmy is given some credit for appearing to be a foreign policy statesman but, it was all show. Do you remember seeing him on TV at his 1978 Camp David Summit standing between PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin with his big grin while the two bitter enemies shook hands over an accord intended to end the conflict and then tearing the Middle-east apart? I don’t doubt that he meant well, but he still had this deep-seated distrust for Israel that he thought didn’t belong in Arab Palestine. What President Carter didn’t understand, thinking like the Christian he was, was that he was confirming to our Islamic foes the weakness they suspected Western Nations possessed: a lack of strength and resolve. To conduct negotiations with Islam, an understanding of Islam is essential because those people, the Mohammedans, only accept what is revealed to them on the pages of the Quran. Islamics do not believe that all people are equal in the eyes of God, or sought the same goals, peace and goodwill and living together as human beings. Those notions do not apply to Islam and clearly, Jimmy didn’t understand what the Quran requires of its followers. It isn’t getting along with Infidels, i.e., Christians and Jews, but converting, enslaving, or killing them. That’s it!
Unlike Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter could never be accused of wanton criminal negligence or reckless immigration policies that brought death and mayhem to the streets of America at the hands of illegal criminal invaders. Biden, like Jimmy as we know, also didn’t like Israel and did everything in his feeble power to stop Israel from defending itself while still looking like he cared. Neither do we see photographs of Jimmy shaking hands with China’s Communist businessmen as recently revealed Joe Biden did. That’s evidence enough to support charges of treason. Jimmy would never have done it. But ya can’t deny Jimmy did betray the Shah of Iran, and look where that’s got us. Jimmy got caught between a rock and a hard spot when the Islamic Republic of Iran staged a coup against the Shah of Iran, then seized the American Embassy and took fifty-five US hostages they held for 444 days. In a desperate attempt to rescue them and save face, Jimmy approved a military expedition to fly into Iran and recover the hostages. It was an unorganized attempt that ended in a fireball of smashed airplanes in an Arabian desert. Jimmy was revealed as an incompetent fool. It took the strength of Ronald Reagan, with order and method, to correct that mistake. I haven’t even mentioned Jimmy Carter’s domestic energy policy, mandating a 55 mph maximum speed limit even on Interstates, or his domestic monetary policies that drove the cost of fuel and interest rates skyrocketing. How did Jimmy phrase it, an era of malaise?
When he first entered the presidency, with only the experience of Georgia governorship under his belt, this country boy from Plaines, Ga, became enamored with the presidency’s powers and what he could do. First, he grew government by creating the Departments of Education and Energy, which have become costly, if not useless, bureaucracies that still exist today doing more damage than good. Like all Cold War presidents, Carter’s handling of the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan, coupled with his rising federal spending, were decisions that alienated American voters. Abandoning Afghanistan, in the matter Biden did, was his first disastrous foreign policy step that rendered America weak in the eyes of its enemies.
As a parallel to today’s politics, Carter’s comparison to Biden’s is to argue that Biden’s policies have led to similar voter disgust. Both Carter and Biden inadvertently laid the groundwork for the significant political shifts toward conservatism in their respective eras. Jimmie’s policies ushered in the great conservative Ronald Reagan. By contrast, Biden’s policies ushered in a return of the greatest fighter for a great America, Donald Trump!
Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the only way. Now, let’s help Make America Great Again!
Happy New Year, y’all!
Originally released January 1, 2025 by the Stand Up America US Foundation
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