Welcome back guys! Brian & Terry here with The Forest to Farm Project. We are back with our fourth installment in the 7-part series on PPE with Scott from Husqvarna, and today we’ll be discussing the need for proper footwear in a sawing environment.

The Expert:
- Name: Scott Martin
- Profession: Husqvarna Training & Sales Knowledge
- Time on The Job: 25 Years
Anytime you’re operating a chainsaw you need proper footwear. Whether you’re in a logging or arborist style application, or even landscaping, a good set of boots can go a long way to protect your feet. One key thing to look for in a pair of boots would be a steel toe. Some manufacturers are now offering not only steel toes but polymer or composite as well. These will all help protect you from limbs or logs falling on your foot. You also want quality leather for your boot. Something that’s heavy-duty and thick. This will definitely help with abrasion resistance.
Another aspect to look for, depending on your use, would be a toe covering like this on my personal boots. This toe covering provides added abrasion resistance for roping applications that could otherwise wear down your leather prematurely.
When it comes to a logging application, depending on your boots, one thing you can add would be to caulk it. These are metal studs that provide increased traction and help give you a much more secure footing in a variety of terrains and applications. It’s very important to have good traction when you’re in the woods, stepping on or over logs, and carrying a chainsaw.
The important thing to remember here is, you only get one pair of feet. Whether you’re on your feet all day or even just a few hours. Take care of them, especially when you’re in a rugged and/or dangerous work environment. You don’t get the needed support, comfort, and protection from a pair of tennis shoes or a cheap pair of boots. The more comfortable your feet are, the more efficient you’ll be as the day wears on and the more work you’ll be able to accomplish. Not to mention, if you do buy cheap boots, they will wear out far sooner than a quality pair of boots and you run the odds of spending more on several pairs of cheap boots vs. one pair of quality boots.
We hope you found this part of the PPE series informative and helpful when it comes to picking out some quality for your next project. Check back soon for the next installment in our chainsaw safety PPE series!