by Ray DiLorenzo

President Trump making his case with Pelosi and Schumer over the need for a border wall. Schumer expressing his disapproval, almost never looking at Trump.
The Democrats are in disarray. They lost bad. They couldn’t pick up even one battleground state, lost the Senate, and couldn’t get the House back. And, on top of it all, they haven’t learned a thing. I include some clueless and rattled Republicans in this bizarre collection.
We were given a constant drone of peril if the Democrats were not reelected. They cried that democracy was at stake. They said the very soul of our country was on the ballot. Spreading fear was their mantra. Pelosi expressed her gratitude to God for having Biden at the helm. She even disregarded her archbishop’s order to not receive holy communion due to her stance on abortion up until birth for any reason. She orchestrated a phony insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, to destroy Trump. She’s an unrepentant liar.
I remember Schumer bickering with President Trump over a border wall while refusing to look Trump in the face…the coward that he is. It’s a sign of lying.
In the meantime, in 2024, Trump was spreading good news. We can get beyond all this economic failure, this war fever, this descent into moral decay. We can stop and reverse the border chaos. We can return to greatness.
The Democrats cannot get beyond Donald Trump. He is hated more than Satan himself. He ruined their plans of transforming America into a secular, socialist utopia, complete with unlimited promises of plenty, trading equality for equity, and bugs on every plate.
What Democrats refuse to see is that it is not about Donald Trump. It’s about a great nation being dismantled and the people finally recognizing who their government really works for, and they decided it wasn’t them. The Left took our country and great American way of life and threw it into the dirt. They made sure either one parent was gone or both parents had to work, leaving children to fend for themselves, learning on the street what they should be learning at home.
The moral decay just in the last few decades has been astounding. Besides spreading their filth here at home, they now spend taxpayer dollars financing drag shows in South America. The Biden government has committed itself to championing LGBTQ+ and insisting it is a legitimate choice.
As predicted by this writer and many others, the LGBTQ+ community is no longer content with just being accepted. They now demand approval. If you want to fundamentally alter a country, you must first destroy its culture.
Democrats are now fighting amongst themselves. More centrist Democrats are voicing their opinions, particularly on culture and border issues, seeing their seats in jeopardy. They are no longer willing to conform. They have lost that lovin’ feeling, you might say. And then you have Fetterman, the new Manchin, huddling with the Republicans.
Donald Trump recognized the impending ‘managed’ collapse of this powerful nation and further fueled the already raging fire in the hearts of many Americans, which is now burning hot. He showed millions of patriots that they were not alone.
The Democrats and the RINOS merely sat there in disbelief and continued on their way with the sound of scoffing and gnashing of teeth.
Democrats presented us with salad when we wanted meat, platitudes when we wanted answers, and balloons and music when we wanted a plan of action.
And the plan of action two Democrats and two dumb Republicans came up with was a spending plan, devised in secret, chock-filled with pork and BS, written months ago, held onto until the end of the year when everyone wants to go home for Christmas. At this point, do you think these people are going to learn anything?
To the average Democrat, politics is not about steering our nation to a better course or assuring the people that they represent are secure. It’s about the capturing and holding of power for their own satisfaction, their own profit. The loyalty to their party has become perverse. How else could you spend trillions on welfare, pork, border chaos, and useless wars and achieve nothing—or retire from politics as a multimillionaire?
Democrats should primary the entire progressive wing of their party until they are all gone. Or indict the lot of them for insurrection or treason. They are subversive, radical, un-American, and amoral. They want an America no one else wants or will vote for. They put Biden up for president to perform a managed takedown of our country.
They now are planning their comeback with lies, cheating, and, as the old Soviet rule goes, one step back, two steps forward. They will sound repentant, some will move toward the middle, even be cooperative with Trump’s economic policies to show support for the working class, but don’t believe it. Their hold on power is more important than any issue. It is not in their DNA to do otherwise. They’ve learned nothing. Like Rush always said…”Just defeat them.”
Originally released December 21, 2024 by the Stand Up America US Foundation
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