HomeSD Insider IssuesSDI Vol. 3, Issue 1: Primitive Survival – Part 2

SDI Vol. 3, Issue 1: Primitive Survival – Part 2

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In our first installment of Primitive Survival Guide, we covered topics like water, shelter and alternative cooking methods. But there was so much to consider that there simply wasn’t enough room to cover it all in one edition. So, this month will be the second installment of Primitive Survival.

For those of us in the developed world, the skills presented in this as well as the previous edition, are techniques we learn for that just in case moment that can occur without notice. But it’s important to remember that for the majority of the world’s population these are simply normal day to day tasks that must be met in order to survive.

You never fight the fight you want, you will always have to fight the fight you find yourself in. This is even more so if we find ourselves in a prolonged stay in the woods when things have gone bad. And don’t think, that will never happen to me. For every survivor and certainly every victim who didn’t make it, did not start their day thinking, I’m going to go out into the woods today and get injured and lost.

One of the most valuable assets you take with you is your mindset. And a solid foundation of skills will bolster your mindset, giving you confidence when that moment arrives. You’ll recognize the situation you find yourself in and you’ll KNOW you have what it will take to make it to the other side.

Download Part 2 of the Primitive Survival Guide today!