by Ray DiLorenzo
Every betrayal begins with trust. It is a violation of that trust or, in the case of a public servant, loyalty as well. It is the breach of a mutually understood agreement as to what to expect from one another. The Democrat Party has violated that trust and loyalty.
I will include the neoconservatives, or RINOs, in that group. They will stand with the Democrats as long as they can get a good war every now and then, or, like Mitch McConnell, it’s in their best financial interest to do so. Even Bill Kristol, the definitive RINO, has decided to embrace transgenderism.
For too long, the people of the United States expected public safety from their leaders and received none. The people expected fiscal responsibility and a stable economy; they’ve gotten none of it. The people expected their leaders to adhere to the same laws they must obey. They have not and still don’t. The party that preached peace, love and women’s rights, in the latter part of the 20th century now hates everyone, and they want war to boot. It’s interesting to note that the Dems have gone full circle with complaining that “Trump, he gonna get us in a war.” to criticizing his stand on not wanting war. Which reminds me, where the heck is Gloria Steinem while Dems are destroying women’s sports?
All the people asked for was to live in peace and prosperity. They got neither.
The Obama/Biden Revolution is over. The Left badly underestimated Americans. There will be no more rewriting history, toppling of statues, overuse of racist labels, useless NGOs stealing taxpayer money, changing names of everything, or inventing genders. The attacks on the Church or Jews will no longer be tolerated. Free speech and merit are back. The counter-revolution is in full swing. Normalcy has returned!
The Democrats have no defense and certainly no plan. They have almost nothing to say except hatred for their opposition, their constituents, and occasional demonstrations of meaningless drama in and out of Congress. It is all understandable since the Dems had not expected to solve any of the problems they clearly manufactured and they are SCARED! They know the extent of their corruption.
Democrats were sure they had the government, the bureaucracy, the media, the education system, enough of the Congress, the Justice Department, and the Judiciary. The military was sufficiently emasculated; the culture was blighted enough to last for generations. All they needed was to hold on to the Executive Branch. They couldn’t. They didn’t. It wasn’t supposed to happen that way. They had big plans, in cooperation with the world globalist community.
Now they lost everything. They underestimated the American people. They are even losing their moneymakers, their deep state, and their corrupt agencies that pass money around the world only to withhold their cut. They are on a sinking ship, and no one has launched any lifeboats. They are too busy roaming Washington, encased in disbelief to look inward. No one person has stood up as the leader of the dying party lest he or she be tagged with all the blame.
They show no desire to solve any of the problems Americans are experiencing. I feel terrible for the five or six moderate Democrats who rose above politics to stand and put two hands together to celebrate a 13-year-old boy who managed to defeat brain cancer and just wants to be a police officer when he grows up. How embarrassing for them. Their fellow Democrats remained seated with their scowls on their faces, unwilling to respond in kind to President Trump reaching out to them to celebrate the national victories—the incredible people who overcame tremendous adversity. They could not display any humanity, any empathy. Not even for the mother of a 12-year-old girl who was raped and murdered by two illegal aliens from Venezuela because the Democrats saw fit to open our borders to millions of unvetted illegal migrants, many of them criminals, murderers, and terrorists.
The Republican Party, much of it known as MAGA, has somehow hit an incredibly sensitive nerve. So sensitive, in fact, that it has driven the Democrat Party to utter insanity. They are adrift, suffering from disbelief and disorientation, attacking everything that moves. I have never been in love with our adversarial political system. By nature it spawns disunity. But it has now been taken to an extreme. If the president of the United States cannot, by Democrat standards, do anything of value, we remain in our division, forever separate, fighting each other only for the throne, not the betterment of our country. We have seen such an outcome before in our history. And the Democrats were at the leading edge of it.
President Trump has found them out. He has found their corruption, their greed, their fraud, their hatred, and their betrayal of the American people, and he’s going to nail them to the wall. The Democrat Party has turned our country into a banana republic, and they will now pay the bill.
Trump is the man to do it. He owes nothing to anyone, except the people who put him where he is. And that’s the best place to be.
Originally released March 8, 2025 by the Stand Up America US Foundation
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