HomeSD Insider IssuesSDI Vol. 4, Issue 2: Tech In Survival

SDI Vol. 4, Issue 2: Tech In Survival



It seems that most of the time we all tend to default to the gloomiest of dystopian scenarios when we think about survival. The truth is even though unfortunate things happen all the time, the electrical grid remains operational, satellites still transmit, and society still follows the rule of law… for the most part.

In this issue, we talk about Technology in Survival. Insider authors will present a number of techno marvels that only a few years in the past would’ve been seen as superhero powers. From seeing in the dark to communicating by satellite to safely patrolling your area by a live stream video drone. We have compiled everything you need to know to get prepared for cutting edge situational awareness.
The great news is that most of these technologies will remain operational in the worst of events if we plan accordingly. Tech is here to stay, we should learn how to use it and perhaps just as importantly, how to recognize and defend against it. Don’t get caught by surprise when the hum of small rotors and glowing green eyes of night vision come your way.
Check out Tech in Survival today!


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