Bugout Plan via Vehicle: BLUF 1. Assess the need to bugout or shelter-in-place. Make a…
BLUF: If you need your physical address to remain anonymous, use an unwitting agent to…
U.S. Embassy Procedures and Precautions BLUF: When traveling abroad it’s vital to initiate contact with…
Small Unit Tactics – L Shaped Ambush. If a threat is inbound and it needs…
Target Hardening Basics Secure your home and vehicle with basic defensive procedures. There are countless…
BLUF Countering Intel/Surveillance can be loosely categorized into 4 categories; Detection (surveillance and investigations) and…
Evacuating in a Disaster (Bugging Out) If a wildfire encroached your property, could you bugout…
Basics of Rainwater Collection (State List Below!) The first step is to determine the collection…
BLUF If you observe illegal, corrupt, or biased activity in your organization; it may be…
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