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The Ambush: Pre-Fight Skills vs In-Fight

Most of you reading this practice in-fight training… that’s predominantly the physical skills needed to defend oneself… important, yes, but it’s really the “pre-fight” skills that are more important.


Watch Part 1 of this short video – I explain how the ambush triggers the startle-flinch and why this organic protective response is necessary for anyone who truly wants to be prepared for sudden violence.

Weigh and consider 🙏👊


 – The ambush bypasses the cognitive brain.

 – Startle-flinch occurs at the unconscious level.

 – Anchoring a cognitive response to the startle-flinch helps convert it faster.

 – This is the primary objective for baseline SPEAR drills.

Can you really prepare for an ambush?

Of course, you can. That’s what the SPEAR System® is all about!

  1. You can develop your personal skills.
  2. Learn to use improvised weapons.
  3. Learn to use weapons.
  4. You can stay in great tactical shape.
  5. You can spar and keep your mind and movement sharp. (Click here to watch some of our evidence-based scenario training.)


Coach B

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