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Mindful Solo Training


The Mind Navigates The Body.

“How I think affects how I feel. How I feel affects how I think, both influence how I move.”  
– from The Theory of Presumed Compliance

These are three personal expressions that guide my philosophy when I’m training.

  1. Efficiency can amplify effectiveness.
  2. If you can do it slow – you can do it fast.
  3. If you “mean to do it,” make it “mean.”

Efficiency: I am always “feeling” every movement when I move. I am feeling the floor, the micro-adjustments at the proprioception level, and, of course, the bigger ‘gross motor’ movements. I am always working to harmonize the fine, complex, and gross motor skill relationships. I want harmonious tension.

Slow: Moving slowly allows me to monitor and re-calibrate so that I am always 100% invested in the emotional, biomechanical, and psychological precision of my action. This feedback is critical if you want to have confidence in your movement and skill.

Meanness: Even in slow motion or slow speeds, I am visualizing the scenario. I’m thinking about “Indignation,” a very special type of anger. I’m thinking about the impact and damage to the targets I see and touch, even if I’m shadow-fighting with an apparition in the air. Message? I am invested emotionally in my practice. It’s why I can do one 5-minute drill and break into a serious sweat.

Understanding how to move your body efficiently is a brain-based practice. There is much more we can all do to enhance athletic prowess intelligently.

Train hard, stay safe,

Coach B


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