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Everyday Counter-Surveillance (and being GRAY)


Maintaining high levels of situational awareness every day can lead to mental fatigue. You’re likely not a target of surveillance operation, but basic steps can be taken to deter crime and surveillance opportunities.

》Leave for work at varying times.
》Change your routes to and from daily destinations.
》Vary your routine and daily activities. (Don’t get coffee from the same cafe every Monday – try new restaurants).
》If a vehicle has followed you for more than two turns or a significant time, don’t drive directly to home or work, make additional turns or stop at an alternative public spot.
》Don’t wear your uniform, name tag, ID badge, or hat (if company logo is displayed) when away from work/school.
》Don’t have identifying decals (sports team logo, political banner, etc) on your vehicle.
》Take varying modes of transportation. (Not always the same train or always Uber, try a Lyft or walk to a different bus stop than normal)

Conducting a Surveillance Detection Route (SDR) daily isn’t possible or necessary. The above steps alone provide effective deterrence to surveillance of the average citizen.

The practice of avoiding ongoing detection and surveillance is a requirement of the Grayman. While we suggested that an SDR isn’t necessary for the routine day, being gray should be grounded in who you are.

The art of being gray can be utilized at any time, but its application is more relevant in times of uncertainty. We can use gray tactics when going to and from work, at the laundromat, at school, in our neighborhood, at the grocery store, or anywhere while in view of the public. Let’s highlight three common applications:


Consider life during a period Without Rule of Law (WROL). When enforcement is non-existent, it’s important to decrease your footprint and avoid being a target of harassment. A WROL or SHTF state of emergency may still require you to travel, trade, scavenge, or otherwise interact in public spaces. We want to have all the cards stacked in our favor during these events.

Civil Unrest

Following triggering events such as an economic depression or racially driven riot, society begins to ignore common decency and adherence to laws. Public spaces that were once safe now become potential warzones for looting, arson, and other criminal behavior. Clashes with police become commonplace.

Navigation through these fields may require you to blend in with the rioters, then transition to an uninvolved civilian afterwards.

Everyday Life

There’s no doubt that being gray is also important during an ordinary day when things are considered normal. Every minute of every day, 2 people are either pickpocketed or robbed in the US. Every minute of every day, 17 people have their identity stolen. Avoiding being a target and protecting sensitive information should be a daily practice. This can be practiced by being a little more situationally aware, changing up routine, choosing not to argue, and keeping your online activity secure.

This article was originally written by the Grayman Briefing. Stay in the know, sign up for Intel and Situational Awareness alerts pushed to your phone on emerging threats and preparedness warnings. Click HERE to subscribe to the Grayman Briefing.


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