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When SHTF – Protect Your Path

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With this article, I will share some basic concepts derived from self-defense that underpin all of survival. The videos I have linked are ones that I have found to best express/support my experience base and the path I have lived.

Be Aware

Be aware of your surroundings. This includes being aware of:

The Five Key Areas of Self Defense from 411 Outdoors LLC

Be Centered

Be at peace with who you are and what you know deep within yourself, center yourself, and be/do who you are at that moment in time. The outcome will be partly dependent on the calmness of your mind stemming from the confidence of your preparations. Your mind and body work together best when calm and relaxed. Then, your mind can logically and quickly find solutions, and your relaxed body can move effectively from this center-state of being.

Know Yourself

Let ego be no part of you. Don’t have a need to prove something. Use your mind and find a way to avoid a conflict. Let an attacker keep their pride if you can avoid the conflict from impacting your life’s path. If not, let who you are convince the attacker to re-consider their actions toward you. (This may come by finding a middle-ground of understanding to avoid escalation, or it may need to be a show of resolute resolve to your path.) Your goal is to GO forward on your path.

Step Into It

If you can avoid the conflict, do it. (Provided doing such does not open the door for a later resurgence of the same or worse conflict to yourself or others.) If you cannot avoid the conflict (or decide that you should not), step into it. Never step back, giving your attacker the space to catch you as their head-of-steam grows. This will surprise the attacker who normally expects fear and zero resistance from those they choose to attack.

See this self-defense video to understand this concept of “stepping into.”

(Spend some time pondering this video and how it might help you consider seeking techniques and abilities for self-defense.)

One Place

In the direst of situations, determine within yourself that the place of this attack will be the only place you will face a decision on how to survive. There will not be a second crime location. Do not trust that an attacker will have honor going forward should they attempt to overcome you and take you elsewhere from this one place. Live or die in that one place. Be centered, use your mind. Fear offers you no value in such times.


If the conflict left you in bad shape, heal, learn from it, absorb that learning, strengthen yourself, find your center, and allow the course of your path going forward to be revealed to you.

To see more from Terry Campbell, visit his website:

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