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Violence Dynamics Sample Class Pt 1

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Think back to a time you were searching for a martial arts or self-defense school…

After finding a school near you, the first thing you did was go to that location and watch a class.


With that vision in mind, I’m inviting you to watch this week’s Tactical Garage Gym class as if you had just walked into a martial arts school to observe that class.

Imagine you are sitting on a bench watching the class and the instructor plays a video of an armed robbery being thwarted by a courageous bystander.

The video is dissected and then the class is taught how to handle realistic violence – everything from fear management to angles of attack, from startle conversion to how courage is contagious (spoiler alert, a colleague comes in to help disarm the would-be robber!)

Imagine watching this and much more go down in a self-defense class.

There’s a lot more covered in the class, but if you MAKE THE TIME you’ll see and experience it all.

Try to watch this class tonight or tomorrow, because, on Sunday morning, I am going to send you part 2 of Violence Dynamics where I teach the group some of the drills we would need to do to stop an armed assailant.

I hope watching these inspires you.

Coach B

Tony’s Human Weapon System Class.


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