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The Difference Between Bugout and Get Home Bags

Read carefully, here’s the difference between Get Home Bags, Bugout Bags, and other emergency loadouts. Reference the legend below for acronym explanations.

✏OTH – any location Other Than Home.
✏BOL – BugOut Location.
✏RP – Rally Point.
✏BOV – BugOut Vehicle.

🎒Get Home Bag (GHB)

Gets you from OTH to home, (1-2DAY).

Recommended Types: Slingbag, School Backpack, Large Purse, Drawstring.

🎒Bugout Bag (BOB)

Gets you from home/OTH to a RP/BOL, (3 DAY).

Recommended Types: Medium Size Backpack, Multi Compartment.

See our Bugout Bag Checklist.

🎒INCH Loadout

Gets you from home to a RP/BOL, (1-2 WEEKS).

Recommended Types: Framed Hiking Pack or Ruck Sack

🚗Bugout Vehicle

Gets you and your gear from anywhere to RP/BOL or even home, (1-4 WEEKS).

Recommended Types: 4×4, 5+ passenger, lockable storage, good MPG.

Read more in this guide to bugout vehicles or read about how to evaluate a bugout vehicle.

🛠Every Day Carry (EDC)

EDC is composed of useful tools and supplies to accomplish daily tasks. While some items can aid in a survival scenario, the purpose of the kit varies. These items are carried on one’s person or kept nearby such as in a small pouch. EDC is also what you wear; this is EDW or Every Day Wear. A Personal Survival Kit (PSK) should be in your EDC.

Make Your Bags Modular

Clearly, you could literally have 5 bags prepared and stored in various locations. One at work, in the car, etc., but instead use a modular system that incorporates supplies from various loadouts. For most of us, it’s not financially feasible to have multiple fully loaded packs. Make your bags work together.

#EDC compliments a GHB which then has a companion bag at home, where if needed, you can simply dump the contents of the #GHB into a prepped larger bag that then becomes a BOB. Your #INCH is a combination of your #BOB and #BOV .

Read our Insider Magazine article for a more in-depth explanation of the difference between a GHB and BOB.

This article was originally written by the Grayman Briefing. Stay in the know. Sign up for Intel and Situational Awareness alerts pushed to your phone on emerging threats and preparedness warnings. Click HERE to subscribe to the Grayman Briefing.


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