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Essential Home Equipment for Emergencies

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When emergencies arise, you can’t rely on hardware and grocery stores to rescue you. These scenarios require quick thinking and readily available resources to protect you and your family. So what home equipment do you need for emergencies?

Here’s how to plan for the unexpected and take control of dangerous situations.

1. Generator

One of your first concerns during an emergency should be your home’s energy supply. Does each appliance still have power despite the hurricane or blizzard? When your house loses power, everything else becomes more challenging. Generators provide essential backup when emergencies happen and could be the difference between life and death. This equipment is even more important when living in remote areas off the grid.

While generators are handy, preppers need to select the right one. Portable models are best for low-power needs and lower budgets, as they need about 10 kilowatts to run your home. A standby generator could be the best selection if you want maximum power. This appliance restores electricity after a blackout and typically runs on gas or diesel.

2. Emergency Radio

Generators can bring peace of mind during emergencies, but they might not be accessible to everybody. If you don’t have this machine, you still need access to weather updates to stay safe in extreme situations. An emergency radio is ideal in these scenarios because it doesn’t require a plug. All you need are batteries or a reliable power source to receive alerts.

Emergency radios pick up frequencies from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This agency has 1,000 transmitters nationwide, allowing people to hear weather updates in rural areas. Some towns or homesteads might not have access to broadcast stations, making an emergency radio necessary when bad weather arrives. It will inform you how bad the storms are and their paths.

3. Fire Extinguisher

A fire can start for numerous reasons, including kitchen appliances or electrical issues in the home. While you can control these aspects to a degree, some problems could arise while you aren’t at home. For example, somebody may have overloaded an outlet with too many appliances and electronics. Alternatively, your house could catch fire if it has old and damaged wiring.

Even with updated electrical infrastructure, your home could be vulnerable to lightning strikes. A fire extinguisher mitigates small fires and prevents them from growing. While the kitchen is a logical place to put this equipment, you can also keep one in your bedroom or garage if desired. Researchers estimate the U.S. had nearly 375,000 fires in 2022, so an extinguisher is essential home equipment for a prepper.

4. Smoke Detector

How can you combat fires before they happen? A smoke detector goes a long way in identifying smoke and protecting your home from a gigantic blaze. People typically identify fires through their smell but may be asleep or away from home when they start. Therefore, having a smoke detector is critical to keeping your house and property safe.

All homes should have a smoke detector, so selecting the right one for your needs is essential. While they detect smoke, some devices have different measures to safeguard your home. For example, an ionization smoke detector uses an internal sensing chamber to detect interrupted airflow and sound the alarm. Conversely, a photoelectric device identifies smoke through light beams and light sensors to trigger the alarm.

5. Hand Tools

Hand tools could be the equipment you need to survive a precarious situation despite their size. One of the best examples is a multitool, a gadget combining numerous functions. Your typical multitool has a knife, screwdriver, pliers, tweezers and scissors. You might not get to use the bottle opener function daily, but it could be handy someday. Keep the multitool in an easily accessible location to maximize safety.

The multitool is beneficial when emergencies arise and quick solutions are necessary. For instance, a lightning strike could cause a fire in your home and shut off the power. Use the multitool to mitigate malfunctioning door locks or open jammed windows. This gadget could also be helpful when overcoming the aftermath of an event, considering the hazardous debris.

6. First-Aid Kit

Some emergencies are challenging to navigate because a lot is out of your control. For instance, a powerful hurricane could tear down trees and damage your home. A hospital trip may be necessary for you or a family member, but how do you mitigate wounds in the meantime? You need a first-aid kit to treat injuries and ensure safety.

Your home’s first-aid kit should be in a central location, such as the kitchen. This room is also where accidents can happen when cooking, so it makes sense for preppers. What should be in this container? An ideal first-aid kit includes personal protective equipment (PPE) — such as mouthguards and gloves — to use when treating someone else’s emergencies. Preppers should also include over-the-counter medications, bandages, batteries and other essentials.

Gathering Home Equipment for Survival

Emergencies can happen anytime, so preparing your family for them is wise. However, practice only goes so far. You need home equipment readily available to tackle obstacles and protect your property. Hand tools and first-aid kits are terrific starting points, whereas a generator requires an investment due to its significant power supply.

Gather what you can to ensure the safety of your home and everyone who lives there.


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