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Don’t Skip Leg Day

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How many real fights do you think each one of these guys has had?

Now, how many ‘real’ fights have you had?

How much does real-world experience play in confidence?

You know my motto:

”All fights are dangerous, but the most dangerous is the ambush.”

Now Contemplate This…

Imagine you’ll be ambushed Friday night, here are the possible opponents:

  1. Drunk angry driver (road rage)
  2. Social justice warrior (ANTIFA-like character)
  3. Career criminal like one of the guys in the picture

The fight is happening.

Pick your opponent.

Ahhh. Lightbulb moment? Mini reality check, I hope!

Those experienced with violence represent our most dangerous opponent.

Their Life-Cycle

Once an amateur, the seasoned predator started out as the bully…

The bully terrorizes at school.

The victim, of course, is one of your kids (or maybe it was you or me years ago and that’s what led us to martial arts).

Over time, the bully grows more brazen – their criminal behavior intensifies.

In the beginning, it was their peers, other kids, then as they get older, it becomes teens, then adults, then the police.

Juvenile detention then jail.

Rinse, wash, repeat.

Fast forward: Now they’re grown adults with Ph.D.s in violence.

Fast Forward Again…

Something is off. You have a bad feeling. You begin scanning your surroundings and sure enough, there’s a problem.

In this fictional scenario, you’ve decided to be the ‘courageous bystander’, or it’s straight-up legit self-defense, with you as the target…

Guess what?

That person you’re about to engage has likely had years, if not decades, of experience with real violence and asocial behavior. Are you prepared?

Some people are cavalier about self-defense and assume because they study martial arts they’re prepared for violence.

Perspective reframe: That’s like entering the octagon with almost no fighting experience against someone who’s been fighting for decades – only it’s worse because there are no mats, there may be multiple assailants, and the bad guys have weapons.

And career predators can flip the switch faster than most Good Samaritans. We’re out enjoying the sights while they’re out hunting for victims.

There is so much more to managing violence than ‘techniques’.

This post isn’t to scare you, it’s to prepare you!

So Don’t Skip Leg Day

You will always need your legs to defend yourself; maybe to kick your way out of trouble or maybe to run!

Either way, unless today is ‘rest day’, don’t skip leg day.

Now let’s get to work!

Train hard and stay safe!

Coach Blauer


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