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Chest Rigs for Everyday Preparedness

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When it comes to everyday preparedness, having the right gear can make all the difference. For those who keep an AR-15 Rifle or other carbine for self-defense, a good quality chest rig might be one of the best options.

Chest rigs are designed to keep your critical gear within easy reach, allowing for quick access to tools, medical supplies, ammunition, and other necessities. In a crisis, every second counts, and having your equipment pre-organized and readily available is paramount.

In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of chest rigs available, their practical applications, and tips for selecting the best rig for your needs. We’ll also be looking at how chest rigs compare to fully-armored plate carriers, and how you can use them both in conjunction for greater flexibility.

What is a Chest Rig?

A chest rig is a piece of tactical equipment designed to carry essential gear on the chest. Unlike a backpack, a chest rig distributes the weight of your gear across your torso, making it easier to access and allowing for greater mobility. These rigs typically feature multiple pouches and compartments to organize items such as magazines, radios, medical supplies, and other tools.

Just as with plate carriers and backpacks, there are many different types of chest rigs available on the market.

Low vis chest rigs are designed for discreet use. They are slim, lightweight, and can be easily worn under a jacket or outer garment. These rigs are ideal for urban environments, hiking, hunting, or everyday carry (EDC) situations where blending in is essential. They allow you to carry necessary gear without drawing attention to yourself.

For more overt conditions, full-size tactical chest rigs are much more comprehensive, with multiple magazine pouches and additional compartments for carrying a wider array of gear. These tactical chest rigs are popular among military personnel, law enforcement officers, and serious preppers who need quick access to ammunition and other tools in high-stress situations.

Why Choose a Chest Rig?

So, what makes a chest rig a good option when compared to something like a backpack or plate carrier? While all three can provide load carriage for gear, chest rigs have a few unique advantages, especially in quick-response situations:


Chest rigs offer unmatched versatility. They allow you to carry a variety of gear, from magazines and radios to knives and medical supplies, all within easy reach. Most modern chest rigs are modular, allowing you to add and remove sections to fit your needs without any excess space. This versatility makes them suitable for a wide range of activities, including everything from emergency preparedness to hunting.


Because all your gear is carried across your torso, chest rigs are inherently faster than backpacks. They’re also a lot more minimalist than most plate carriers, and since you don’t have the added standoff of plates and padding, you can move and maneuver more naturally too.


One of the key advantages of certain chest rigs, particularly low vis rigs, is their ability to be easily concealed. Whether worn under a jacket or integrated into a less conspicuous outfit, these rigs allow you to carry essential gear discreetly. This is particularly beneficial in urban environments or situations where maintaining a low profile is crucial.

Chest Rig Setups: Building a Loadout

As we’ve discussed, one of the biggest benefits of a chest rig is the scalability: it can be configured for almost any role. Whether you’re preparing for low-visibility defense, an active threat response, or something in between, customizing your chest rig to fit your specific needs will enhance your preparedness and effectiveness.

Low Visibility

For a good low-visibility setup, the key is to keep your loadout minimal and discreet, so it can sit close to your body and hide under a jacket.

Recommended Setup:

Compact/Integrated Pouches: Opt for slim pouches that can hold a few spare magazines and a handful of tools. You want it to sit as close to the body as possible. While some chest rigs allow for double mag pouches, you’ll probably just want 2-3 single pouches to make for as small a profile as possible. If the chest rig has integrated pouches, even better.

Communication Gear: If you want communications, favor a small radio with an earpiece for discreet communication.

Concealable Clothing: Clothing is an essential component to any ‘low-vis’ setup. Even though it’s not technically part of the chest rig, it’s a good idea to keep a loose hoodie or jacket somewhere near the chest rig. That way, you can always have something to conceal the rig if needed. (Plus, having an extra layer available is never a bad thing for preparedness.)

Tactical Chest Rig

In an active threat response scenario, having a more overt and accessible loadout may be advisable. You need to be able to carry more gear and access it quickly.

Recommended Setup:

Magazine Pouches: Include multiple pouches for rifle and pistol magazines to ensure you have enough ammunition. For an overt kit, you can do a double-row if you prefer, though it may be unnecessary if you also keep a battle belt ready.

Medical Pouch: A larger, easily accessible medical pouch with a full trauma kit, including tourniquets, bandages, and hemostatic agents. Check this guide for more information on what should go into a complete IFAK.

Utility Pouches: Additional pouches for carrying a flashlight, multi-tool, radio, and other mission-specific tools.

Tips for Customizing a Chest Rig

No matter how you set your chest rig up, there are few rules you should pretty much always follow. These guidelines will give you a good place to start, regardless of which chest rig you choose or how you choose to lay it out:

1. Stick to Mission-Specific Gear

When customizing your chest rig, always tailor your loadout to the specific mission or scenario you are preparing for. Whether you’re planning for a low-visibility operation, an active threat response, or a versatile everyday carry setup, the gear you include should directly support your objectives.

Identify the tools and equipment that are absolutely necessary for your mission. For example, if you are preparing for a medical emergency, include a well-stocked medical pouch with tourniquets, bandages, and hemostatic agents. Also, consider any specialized equipment you might need, such as breaching tools for law enforcement or navigation aids for wilderness operations.

2. Find the Right Weight Distribution

Proper weight distribution is crucial for maintaining mobility and reducing fatigue. An imbalanced chest rig can hinder your movement and slow you down in critical moments. Distribute the weight of your gear evenly across your torso. Place heavier items, such as loaded magazines, closer to the center of your chest to prevent pulling on one side.

Fitment is also important. Ensure the rig’s straps are adjusted for a secure and comfortable fit. The rig should sit snugly on your body without shifting or bouncing during movement. If possible, go on a ruck or jog with your chest rig, as this will help you identify any pain points.

3. Prioritize by Accessibility

Organize your gear so that the most critical items are the easiest to access. In high-stress situations, you need to be able to quickly and efficiently retrieve your tools and equipment. Place high-priority items, such as magazines and medical supplies, in the most accessible pouches. Practice retrieving these items to ensure you can do so quickly and without fumbling.

4. Train, Train, Train

Regularly train with your chest rig setup to ensure you are familiar with your gear under various conditions. You will only find issues with your setup if you’re putting it through the paces. That means jumping, crawling, and moving in ways that will put your setup to the test. For example, if you think you might need to wear your chest rig in a vehicle, see how it interacts with the seatbelt or other snagging hazards.

You need to conduct realistic training drills that simulate the conditions you expect to encounter. This practice will help you identify any adjustments needed in your setup. Make a point of repeatedly accessing and using your gear. Muscle memory will make your movements more efficient and automatic in real-world situations.

5. Be Judicious About Redundancy

Including redundant systems can provide a safety net in critical situations, but it also adds weight and bulk to your setup. If you want to include a redundancy into your kit, such as a second knife or backup batteries, you need to answer an important question:

Is this item so important that it MUST be on my chest rig, or can I keep it in the backpack?

Assuming you keep a larger backpack, ruck, or ‘go bag,’ it might make more sense to keep your redundant gear there so that your chest rig can remain as light and mobile as possible.

Combining Chest Rigs and Plate Carriers

Many assume they must choose between a chest rig and a plate carrier, but these two pieces of gear can be seamlessly integrated so that you can choose your level of protection.

One effective way to combine them is by wearing a tactical chest rig directly over a slick plate carrier. This setup allows you to enjoy the ballistic protection of the carrier while maintaining the accessibility and organization of the chest rig. It’s simple, quick, and allows you to keep the systems separate in case you want to use just one or the other.

Alternatively, you can use the SwiftClip system to attach your chest rig to the plate carrier, transforming it into a streamlined placard. This method offers seamless integration, stability during intense physical activity, and the convenience of quick attachment and detachment. This is also more comfortable than wearing a tactical chest rig over a plate carrier, plus you won’t have to adjust the shoulder straps to accommodate the bulk of armor.

Ultimately, whichever way you go, the combination of a tactical chest rig and plate carrier setup gives you a lot more modularity than having two separate systems. It also can save you a fair amount of money, since you won’t need to buy redundant pouches or gear.


Chest rigs are a great option for everyday preparedness, offering versatile and accessible ways to carry essential gear. Whether you need a low-profile setup for discreet operations or a robust configuration for active threat response, the right chest rig setup can do it all.

Moreover, integrating tactical chest rigs with plate carriers demonstrates their flexibility and adaptability, allowing you to combine protection with functionality seamlessly. This combination ensures that you remain agile and well-equipped, no matter the scenario.


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